
Promote the safety and well-being of LGBTQ youth and children in Los Angeles County, and facilitate their transition to early adulthood by educating communities, parents, families, caregivers, and mandated reporters about sexual orientation and gender identity.


For all youth and children in Los Angeles County to be safe and affirmed in their sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.



Mark Abelsson, MSW, Chair
Human Relations Consultant
Los Angeles, CA


Judy Chiasson, Ph.D, Vice Chair
Human Relations, Diversity and Equity
Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles, CA


Khush Cooper, MSW, Ph.D, Treasurer
Principal Consultant
Holarchy Consulting Services, LLC
Los Angeles, CA


David Giugni, Secretary
Social Services Supervisor
City of West Hollywood
West Hollywood, CA


Steve Krantz, Ph.D, At-Large
Director, PFLAG Southern Pacific Region
Los Angeles, CA


Cristian Valencia, At Large (Marketing & Public Relations)
Recruiter Trainer (Foster & Adoption Families)
Penny Lane Centers


Rachel White, At Large (Development)
Principal Consultant
Holarchy Consulting Services, LLC
Los Angeles, CA